No one wants to be tricked into buying cheap imitation leather items while paying a premium for genuine leather goods. To avoid being fooled by fake leather bags, you must know how to distinguish between real and fake leather.
Neste artigo, nós da SLBAG will talk about common types of leather and guide you through how you can practically spot fake leather. Let’s dive in!
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Before we learn how to distinguish between real and fake leather, let’s explore the different types of leather commonly used. Here are these:
Real leather is made from animal hides such as cow, buffalo, deer, crocodile, or ostrich. There are two main types: top-grain and full-grain. Top-grain leather is widely used because it is smooth, durable, and resistant to stains and wear.
Full-grain leather is the highest quality, preserving the animal skin's natural texture, markings, and imperfections. Both types are thick, somewhat rough, and have some surface flaws.
The term "genuine leather" does not guarantee the quality or authenticity of the leather. It usually refers to products made from low-grade leather or scraps glued with other materials.
These products are often labeled as “genuine leather” but are inferior to real leather in terms of appearance and durability.
Faux leather is a synthetic material that imitates real leather. It is also known as PU, vegan, pleather, leatherette, or synthetic leather.
It is made from plastic or other chemical substances processed to create a leather-like surface. Faux leather products are cheaper than real leather but are less breathable, flexible, and eco-friendly.
Now that we have talked about different leather types let's talk about how to spot fake leather. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you spot fake leather bags:
This may be one of the first things you should do when trying to buy leather. It may sound basic, but it really helps. Leather producers are proud of their work and often mark or identify their products as genuine leather. Labels such as “100% leather,” “full-grain/top-grain leather,” or “genuine leather” indicate that you can proceed.
However, some businesses may deceive customers by claiming to be “made with genuine leather” when the leather may not be truly genuine. So, while reading the label is a good idea, it is not always enough.
The price is another clue to help you identify a fake leather bag. Real leather bags are usually more expensive than fake leather bags because they are made of premium materials and require more skill and craftsmanship.
Real leather bags can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars, depending on the brand, design, and quality. Fake leather bags are usually much cheaper than real leather bags because they are made of inferior materials and require less labor and time.
Fake leather bags can cost as low as $10 or $20, depending on the source and quality. Suppose you see a leather bag with a very low price compared to its original or suggested retail price. In that case, it is probably a fake leather bag.
The surface of the saco de couro is one of the most important features that can reveal its authenticity. Real leather has a natural and unique surface texture that is not perfectly smooth or uniform.
Real leather may have some imperfections, such as scars, wrinkles, pores, grains, or patterns that reflect the animal’s life and history. These imperfections are not flaws; they are marks of quality and character that make each real leather bag different and special.
Fake leather has an artificial and consistent surface texture that is too smooth or flawless. Fake leather may have a repeating pattern or texture created by machines or molds.
To differentiate between genuine and fake leather, it is important to examine the pores. Real leather is natural and has an uneven pore pattern with small flaws. Fake leather, on the other hand, has a repeating pattern and uniformly distributed pores.
Real leather is a natural substance and doesn’t feel completely smooth when you run your fingertips over it. It will stretch and wrinkle slightly when you press your finger, much like skin does.
On the other hand, fake leather feels artificially even and cold to the touch. It doesn't behave like skin when you press your finger against it; the synthetic material depresses beneath your finger without expanding or contracting, and it doesn't wrinkle or stretch.
Smelling the material is another method to detect if a bag is made of real or fake leather. Real leather has a unique, organic scent that is difficult to replicate artificially.
On the other hand, fake leather often has a plastic or chemical smell. By paying attention to the scent of the material, you can often determine whether it is real or fake leather.
The edges of the bag are another part that can reveal the authenticity of the leather. Real leather has rough, uneven, and frayed edges that show the fibers and layers of the animal hide. Real leather edges may also have color variations or fading due to the natural tanning and dyeing process.
Fake leather has smooth, even, clean-cut edges with no fibers or layers. Fake leather edges may also have a consistent color or a plastic-like coating due to the artificial manufacturing process.
The water test is another simple and effective way to spot fake leather bags. Real leather is a porous material that absorbs water and moisture easily. If you drop some water on the surface of a real saco de couro, it will soak into the material quickly and leave a dark spot.
Fake leather is a non-porous material that repels water and moisture. If you drop some water on the surface of a fake leather bag, it will bead up and slide off the material without leaving any mark.
Business owners and resellers need to be able to spot fake leather when buying bags. By following the abovementioned tips, you can ensure that you are investing in high-quality, genuine leather products. These will delight your customers and build your reputation as a trusted retailer.
Em SLBAG, we manufacture genuine leather bags that meet the highest quality standards. Entre em contacto with us today to explore our extensive collection of stylish and authentic leather bags that are perfect for reselling.